By RC deWinter
In the black velvet night
I hear the stars singing
a love letter to the dead
in every language known to man.
I hear the stars singing
a litany of names
in every language known to man –
a reminder of all we’ve lost.
A litany of names
flowing in an endless river –
a reminder of all we’ve lost –
echoes through the cosmos.
Flowing in an endless river,
a love letter to the dead
echoes through the cosmos
in the black velvet night.
Author Bio: RC deWinter’s poetry is widely anthologized, notably in New York City Haiku (NY Times, 2/2017), New Contexts 2 (Coverstory Books, 9/2021), in print: 2River, Event, Gargoyle Magazine, the minnesota review, Night Picnic Journal, Plainsongs, Prairie Schooner, Southword, The Ogham Stone, Twelve Mile Review, York Literary Review among many others and appears in numerous online literary journals. She is also one of the winners of the 2021 Connecticut Shakespeare Festival Sonnet Contest, with publication forthcoming.