About the Authors

Olfactory Memory: Keily Blair is a creative writing student at UT Chattanooga. Her fiction has appeared in Nth Degree, and her nonfiction has appeared in The Sequoya Review. She is currently at work on a fantasy novel and a collection of essays about being a person with bipolar disorder.

I Read, Much of the Night, and Go South in the Winter: Jane Sofia Struthers is a writer who’s not limited by genre. She’s published poetry in Rust + Moth, creative nonfiction in Potato Soup Journal, and fiction in Right Now, an Australian human rights magazine. She’s also a world traveller who’s been to over seventy countries, and was recently trapped in Pakistan due to COVID-19. To pass the hours of enforced isolation, she started to memorize "The Waste Land," and took inspiration from one of the lines in it as well as from the people she met through Pakistan’s vibrant and wonderful Couchsurfing community.

Missing: As an artist involved in various artistic disciplines, Daub maintains an active studio in the rural coastal town of Blue Hill, ME. She's produced two compilations of original paintings and poems: "Eve Of A New Round" (2008) and the artist catalog "Pieces of Prayer" (2015). A draft of her first novel, "Woven" was completed in 2018 at the Alcyon Center, (Mount Desert Island, ME) during her time as inaugural Artist in Residence, and is currently undergoing the editing process.

Teresa: Saint & Otherwise: Kelly R. Samuels is a Best of the Net and two-time Pushcart Prize nominee, as well as the author of two chapbooks: "Words Some of Us Rarely Use" (Unsolicited) and "Zeena/Zenobia Speaks" (Finishing Line). Her poems have recently appeared in Juked, DMQ Review, The Pinch, and Quiddity. Her fiction and other works have appeared at Cleaver and McSweeney's Internet Tendency. She lives in the Upper Midwest.

Puddles, MIrrors: Katie Nickas writes flash and short fiction exploring conflicting identity. She is drawn to strong, unapologetic characters placed in difficult situations. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Asymmetry, Dear Damsels, formercactus, Milk + Beans, Sidereal Magazine, and STORGY.