About the Authors

Arrival (Cover Photo): Hernando Caicedo is an actor, traveler, life searcher, and avid photographer. He is a frequent contributor to Five on the Fifth.

Once, I Saw an Elephant: Yan Sham-Shackleton is from Hong Kong and currently lives in Los Angeles. Her work has been featured in Gravel, Litro, Animal, Great Weather for Media, Popmatters, and others. She writes columns for Hong Kong Free Press. http://glutter.typepad.com Twitter @yanshams

The Veneer: Chase lives in San Francisco with his partner, An, and Australian shepherd, Abbie. He writes by day, tutors by night, and is taking creative writing classes at UC Berkeley in preparation for an MFA. “The Veneer” would be his first published story.

Dimwit: Susan Taylor Chehak is the author of several novels, including "The Great Disappointment," "Smithereens," "The Story of Annie D.," and "Harmony." Her most recent publications include two collections of short stories, "This Is That" and "It’s Not About the Dog" and a novel, "The Minor Apocalypse of Meena Krejci." Her work has appeared in Green Hills Literary Lantern, Hawaii Pacific Review, Ragazine, The Magnolia Review, The Minnesota Review, Moon City Review, Nelle, Ducts, Crack the Spine, Bryant Literary Review, Pennsylvania English, The Chariton Review, Jet Fuel Review, Sliver of Stone, Limestone, The Literary Nest, and The Coachella Review. Susan's taught fiction writing in the MFA program at Antioch University, the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program, the University of Southern California, and the Summer Writing Festival at the University of Iowa.

Daffodils: Sacha Bissonnette is a biracial poet and short story writer from Ottawa, Canada. He is currently spending his free time traveling and exploring creative writing projects. He loves film and comfort food. His poetry has been published throughout the United States and Canada. His flash fiction has appeared in Litro UK and SmokeLong Quarterly. He has an upcoming short fiction in Lalitamba.

Gentleman's Guide to Dating in the #MeToo Era: Jack King has been published in Sanskrit, Sand Hill Review, Blue Lake Review, Forge, Oklahoma Review, Gemini, Epiphany, Litbreak Magazine, Menacing Hedge, SENSIAC, ISSA, Info World, and The Home of the Brave Anthology. His work in fiction has garnered him first-place finishes in the Maryland Writer’s Association’s Novel and Short Story Contests in 2006 and 2012, respectively. King was also awarded third place in the 2014 Sand Hills Writer’s Series short fiction contest, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He served as a resident reader for Carve from 2011-2015, and assisted in the yearly Raymond Carver Short Story Contest.