About the Authors

Sunday at the Farm (Cover Photo): Mary-Anne is Managing Editor of Five on the Fifth. She has a Master's Degree in Professional Writing from Towson University. Currently, she teaches at AACC and Towson University. Her work can be found in Gone Lawn, Crack the Spine, Duende, and Flash Fiction Magazine. Her most recent piece, “The Oyster Therapist," can be found in Gravel Magazine.

Magic Act: Frank Possemato teaches at one of the nation’s most diverse community colleges. His writing has appeared in a variety of publications including 3AM, Underground Voices, and in Akashic Book’s “Mondays Are Murder” noir series.

Ghostflesh: Damien Krsteski writes fiction and develops software. Some of hia stories have appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Metaphorosis, Future Fire, and others. Originally from the Balkans, he now lives and works in Germany.

Knockdown: Laura Knapp works undercover as a marketing copywriter while studying the behavior and social structures of cubicle inhabitants. She’s recording her observations in a satirical/suspenseful novel set in the corporate world. In a past life, she was a freelance reporter in metropolitan Chicago and received an MA in English from Roosevelt University. Her short fiction has been published in Rum Punch Press, Rose Red Review, Chicago Literati, The MacGuffin, and others.

Sitting In: Melanie Chartoff is an actress who hails from New Haven, lived in New York City, and now resides in Los Angeles. Melanie recently became a first-time wife and stepmother.

North For The Festival: Stephen O'Donnell has previously had short stories published in The Bloody Key Society Periodical, Gambling the Aisle, Panoply and The Avalon Literary Review.